music box
I Can't Decide
Scissor Sisters
My Love Mine All Mine
Cigarettes Out The Window
TV Girl
Inside Out
Alex G
"⠀ your⠀ hands⠀ are⠀ scarred⠀ from⠀ murder⠀,⠀ and⠀ yet⠀ I⠀ trust⠀ them⠀ completely⠀."

read me when...

(2) you have a bad day

(3) you miss me

(4) you need to laugh

(5) you cant sleep

(6) you're feeling insecure

(7) you're happy

(8) you're lonely

(9) you're worried about something

(10) you need a pep talk

(11) its your birthday

(12) you feel like giving up

(13) you're frustrated with work

(14) you're sick

(15) our plans get cancelled

(16) you're doubting yourself

(17) you need a hug

(18) you need to hear a compliment

(19) you've made a mistake

(20) you need motivation

(21) you need movie/tv shows recommendations

(22) you're excited aboutsomething

(23) you're bored

(24) you need to make a big decision

(25) you're really angry

(26) you get your heart broken

(27) we have an argument

(28) you want to hear about my favourite memory with you

(29) we haven't spoken in a while

(30) i don't pick up my phone

(31) you feel like giving up on your goals

(32) you do something embarrassing

(33) you lose someone or something precious to you

(34) you wish i was there

Purple Bobblehead Bunny
